
Course start 2024 and new courses on Sunday

It is soon September and thus again so far: The preparatory courses in the Lern-Forum for long-term and short-term gymnasium as well as BMS and IMS begin.

The students are already busy preparing for the entrance exams with our course instructors. With a lot of enthusiasm, topics relevant to the exams are repeated and essays are written. During the breaks, the first new friendships have already been made, which of course provides additional motivation to attend the course.

Nowadays, children and young people are often busy in many ways. Especially students who play a lot of sports have Saturday, often no time for a course visit, as tournaments are held regularly on this day.
The Lern-Forum offers this year, therefore, for the first time, preparatory courses on Sunday! This way, hobbies and successful preparation for the entrance exam can be easily combined.

Click here for the course dates of preparation for long-term gymnasium and
here for the course dates of preparation for the short-term gymnasium.

With our proven course materials solving homework and preparing for the entrance exam is easy. Solutions are provided for every assignment, so you can always check your own progress. In addition, this year's courses are once again complemented by our unique essay proofreading service. The student essays are graded by specialized proofreaders, and for each essay, students receive a grading commentary explaining errors and pointing out areas for improvement.

You have already started your preparation course and want to know how to benefit as much as possible from the lessons? No problem, we have a Blogpost on this very topic!   

Gymiprüfung 2025

Ob Anmeldefristen, Prüfungstermine oder Prüfungsinhalte: Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die Gymiprüfung 2025. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel oder springen Sie direkt zum gewünschten Thema.


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