Exam preparation for secondary school

for the entrance examination to the technical, business and computer science secondary school

Our courses offer optimal preparation for the entrance examination to the technical, IT and business secondary school. We develop the material relevant for the exam based on the material of the 3rd secondary school. 

Important: The entrance exam for the Vocational School, Computer Science School and Business School is exactly the same exam. Therefore, students who want to attend the FMS, IMS or WMS are prepared in the same course. 

The entrance examination for the vocational secondary school BMS is a different examination. For these, we also offer preparatory courses.

Click on online registration - all information about course dates, free places, course location.
Free spots

Transfer Sek-HMS-IMS-FMS-Cantonal School

Available spots and registration
Free spots

Small groups

The material of the FMS / WMS / IMS - entrance examination is adapted to the 3rd secondary school.
Small groups with a maximum of 8 students.

  • Quarterly/holiday courses
  • Info about BMS Canton AG
  • Video Preliminary BMS
  • Info about Courses
  • Exam-free transfer

Registration for Kantonsschule / FMS prep

Aufnahmeprüfung Kantonsschule FMS WMS Samstag (18 mal)  
Starting date ab 07.09.24
Time 09:00 - 12:00
Location Lern-Forum Wohlen
more info
Level 3. Bez./ 3. Sek. /Privatschule /10. Schuljahr
Cost CHF 3,360.00 CHF
Seats available 8
Event 18

Kursdaten Vorbereitung Kantonsschule / FMS / WMS

1    07.09.2024

2    14.09.2024

3    21.09.2024


4    19.10.2024

5    26.10.2024

6    02.11.2024

7    09.11.2024

8    16.11.2024

9    23.11.2024

10    30.11.2024

11    07.12.2024

12    14.12.2024


13    11.01.2025

14    18.01.2025

15     25.01.2025


16    15.02.2025

17    22.02.2025

18    01.03.2025

Classroom Zentralstr. 17 - 2. Stock
Teacher --
Information of the Student

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Exam information (Dates not yet set. Definitive dates to follow.)

The exam for vocational school (BMS) 1 will take place on Friday, June 20, 2020.

The exam for vocational school (BMS) 2 will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2020. BMS-KV May 2, 2020*

(*We recommend that those who are interested in a course and would like to attend vocational school 2 take a holiday course or a course in the Canton of Zurich because the quarterly course in the Canton of Aargau is scheduled around the vocational school 1 exam date.)

Official data from the Department of Education:

Admission requirements BMS
general information about the BMS

Exam free to middle school

With the revision of the transfer process, secondary students have a new opportunity to continue their postsecondary education at a middle school:

Entrance exam

Secondary students who do not achieve the necessary marks to enter these schools directly may take an entrance exam for specialised, business, IT or vocational school. Note that there is a separate registration for the exam. Registering for the school itself does not count as registering for the exam!