Gymnasium preparation holiday courses
Why should you take a holiday course?
If students want to be admitted to a Gymnasium in the canton of Zurich, they must first successfully pass the Gym exam. Every year in March, several thousand Swiss students write the so-called central entrance exam. This exam is not exactly easy and about half of the participants do not pass. Depending on the type of high school, different criteria are weighted in the Swiss Gymi exam.
In the case of qualification for a long-term Gymnasium, which takes place in the sixth grade of elementary school, 50% of the examination grade of the Gymi examination and 50% of the preliminary grades in German and Math from the February report of the sixth grade count. In contrast, for the short-term Gymnasium, no previous grades are included in the qualification at all. This means that when going to a short-term high school, the performance in the Gymi exam alone determines success and failure.
In both cases, however, the grade from the Gymi exam plays a decisive role for the students. Almost every year, many students have great problems with the independent preparation for the Gymi exam and therefore do not pass it. For this reason, we at Lern-Forum have been offering Gymi preparation courses for Swiss students for years. In the vacation course, the participants are ideally prepared for the upcoming Gymi exam, so that they pass the exam, are admitted to the Gymnasium and can successfully continue their desired school career.
Course dates and Registration
Free seats
Gymnasium preparation holiday courses
With the Gym preparation vacation courses, Swiss students are optimally prepared for the upcoming Gymi exams in March. We rely on comprehensive and varied teaching materials and exercises to completely cover the individual examination areas.
In our vacation course, each student receives comprehensive preparation for the upcoming exam. In doing so, we rely on the appropriate exercises and teaching materials to achieve the best possible results. Of course, we also take into account the different focuses of the central entrance examination for the long-term high school and the short-term high school.
In the latter, 90 minutes of Mathematics, 45 minutes of German, and 90 minutes of essays are tested, whereas the Gymi exam for long-term high school only includes 60 minutes of Mathematics, 45 minutes of German, and 60 minutes of essays. However, not only do the two exams differ, but so do the individual students. Therefore, in our vacation course Gym prep each student is individually supported, for which students and parents have thanked us again and again.
Unfortunately, many students often start preparing for the Gymi exam much too late. In view of this, we offer our extensive vacation course not only during the summer vacations, but also during the autumn vacations, the Christmas vacations as well as the sports vacations and the spring vacations. During the vacations, our Gym Prep Course takes place Mondays to Fridays and all subjects that will be asked in the corresponding exam are covered.
Alternatively, students in the sports vacations also have the opportunity to participate in our vacation course as a full-day program. This is a well-structured as well as concentrated preparation week, including a delicious lunch, with which the students can strengthen themselves in the meantime.
In our Gym prep vacation course, we offer the students many different exercises, so that a large spectrum of content is covered, and the students never receive the same exercises several times. In this way, we ensure the maximum learning success of all participants and prepare them ideally for the upcoming Gymi exam, so that students can continue their school career successfully at the Gymnasium!
Available spots and registration
Free seats
- Long term high school
- Short tem course
Long-term Gymnasium Preparation:
German and Mathematics
During the holidays, students are well-rested and more receptive. We practice the exam material, solve exams from previous years, expand vocabulary and review German grammar. Students also write an essay each day.
Summer holiday course:
Steady into the new school year: Our experience shows that mastering the school material in the 5th grade is an important prerequisite for good grades from the first exam. The grade point average of the entire 1st semester is reflected in the report card (February). The only good report card creates optimal conditions for success in the examination.
Autumn holiday course:
Review and strengthening of the material, few exam problems (it is still too early for these) plus essay training (students write an essay each day)
Christmas / New Year holiday course:
Short repetition of the entire material and solving of examination tasks. In this way, gaps can be identified and corrected in time.
Sports holiday course:
Short repetition over the whole material, practicing examination tasks in quick succession.
There are still about 3 hours of homework per day. On the one hand, the students prepare for the next day (solving exams) and on the other hand, they consolidate the material of the lessons.
(If desired, an essay can be corrected by the proofreading team for an additional charge).
Please give us a call if you have any questions.
You can find more information about the chances of success at long-track here.
Short-term Gymnasium/FMS/HMS Preparation
Mathematics - German - French
For over 14 years, we have been offering prep courses for the Gymnasium entrance exam during the winter and spring holidays. We review the material with exams from previous years and parallel practice problems.
We practice the three exam subjects Mathematics, French, and German, with the emphasis primarily being on mathematics and French.
Students usually study for the German portion of the exam at home. We provide a short review of German grammar.
We thoroughly practice French text comprehension, correctly answering text-related questions as well as text production (reduction of approx. 50 words). Furthermore, we also review formal French grammar.
However, the course week is not long enough to fill large knowledge gaps.
In order for students to benefit from the course as much as possible and to ensure a stimulating learning environment, students must complete their homework.
Phone: 044 267 30 01
We offer special preparatory courses for the entrance exam for the Berufsmittelschule BMS | Fachmittelschule FMS in Zurich. The three-hour course consists of a one-and-a-half-hour repetition of the entire mathematics material and a one-and-a-half-hour repetition unit in which the German language is intensively repeated. According to the new exam segment (from 2023), the entrance exams for the BMS and FMS are identical, i.e. they write the same exam, although the FMS exam is graded slightly more strictly.
As the BMS entrance exam has been merged since 2015 and students from all subject areas now take the same exam, we have also completely revised our courses and now offer a course for everyone that is tailored to the new exam format.
(An essay can be corrected by the proofreading team upon request for an additional charge).
More information about BMS courses and overview of available spaces

Vacation intensive courses on site
The Vacation courses find in our rooms on site takes place.
Our protection concept
Course dates and registration
Free spots
Full day courses including lunch
Concentrated preparation week during the sports vacations, including hot meal (no pork!).
Students are supervised all day.
9.00 h - 15.45 h
CHF 1'840.--
All course materials are inclused in the course fee
Week before sports vacations 03.02.25 —.07.25 in Zurich
1. Week of sports vacations 10.02.25–14.02.25 in Zurich
2. Week of sports vacations 17.02.25–21.02.25 in Zurich
3. Week of sports vacations 24.02.25–28.02.25 in Zurich
Gymnasium preparation online
Would you like to register your child for the Distance classroom online course?
We conduct identical courses online at home.
Exam simulation "like real
With the famous simulation of the entrance exam from the Lern-Forum, your child can write and experience the exam under real conditions.
You will receive a detailed, individual correction with tips and hints to optimize your result in the cantonal entrance examination.
Our grading corresponds to the grading key of the public examination.
Have essays professionally corrected
Essay writing is an essential part of all entrance exams.
You can write the essay at home and submit it online.
Our own team of proofreaders, consisting of high school teachers, correct, evaluate and grade the essays submitted online.