Keyboard typing with 10 fingers

Children and young people learn to handle the keyboard correctly so that they get used to writing correctly with 10 fingers at an early age. We pay attention to the correct posture and position of the fingers. The children regularly practice the 10-finger system at home.


The children's perception is also promoted. In keyboarding, the word "breaks down" into individual letters. You spell the word in front of you and thus learn to read the words accurately, which helps spelling. The best decision is to learn correct keyboarding from the beginning.

Available spots and registration
Free spots

Course dates

Keyboarding courses in the school year 2024 / 2025

Please do not call to inquire about available space; if the course is listed, it has space, and it will definitely run.

Online registration Keyboard typing course

Guidelines IKA

Free places, course dates and keyboarding course
Free spots

Certificate without course attendance

All information about the typing course.

Graduation with a KV-recognized diploma

  More information

  • Certificate
  • Video-Film
  • Typing course dates
  • Course description
  • Locations
  • Practice text

Recognized keyboarding diploma 

The student's course goal is blind keyboarding with ten fingers as well as the passing of the keyboarding test according to the guidelines of the Student Council IKA of the commercial vocational schools. 

The following information is shown on the diploma:

Prerequisite is a complete course attendance, homework in printed form and correct fingering.

At the end of the course, our students have mastered the 10-finger system. Every year, over 300 students proudly present the diploma from the Lern-Forum when they enter KV.

Guidelines IKA


Video lernen fürs Leben

Course dates

Course costs Fr. 395.-- including course book and KV-recognized certificate

10 course days including exam day, 10 dates each on the same weekday

There are no courses during the vacations. The courses will be continued after the vacations. (**Turbo course / Last Minute course = 2 course days per week).

Course dayStartCourse time
Wednesday online28.09.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Wednesday 28.09.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online28.09.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday28.09.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Wednesday online28.09.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Wednesday28.09.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Thursday online29.09.202217.00 h - 19.00 h
Thursday29.09.202217.00 h - 19.00 h
Monday online03.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday03.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday late course online05.10.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Thursday online20.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday20.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Friday online21.10.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday21.10.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Wednesday late course26.10.202219.30 h - 21.15 h
Thursday online27.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday27.10.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Friday online28.10.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday online04.11.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday online11.11.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Wednesday16.11.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Friday online18.11.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday18.11.202217.15 h - 19.15 h
Wednesday online30.11.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday online05.12.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday05.12.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday online08.12.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday08.12.202217.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday online02.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday02.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday03.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday online03.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday04.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online04.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Thursday05.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday online06.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday & Thursday fast course online09.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday & Thursday fast course09.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday late course online10.01.202319.00 h - 20.45 h
Thursday online10.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday10.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online11.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday11.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Thursday online12.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday12.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday online16.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday16.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online18.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday18.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday18.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday18.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday online23.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday23.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tueday24.01.202317.20 h - 19.00 h
Tuesday online24.01.202317:20 h - 19:00 h
Tuesday online24.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday24.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday25.01.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday late course25.01.202319.00 h - 20.45 h
Wednesday online25.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday25.01.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday online07.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday07.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online08.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday08.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday online28.02.202317:20 h - 19:00 h
Tuesday online28.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday28.02.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online01.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday01.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday02.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday06.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday & Thursday fast course06.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday & Thursday fast course06.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday online07.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online15.03.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday online15.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday15.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday online28.03.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online05.04.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday05.04.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online05.04.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday online10.04.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Spring Break Intensive Course17.04.202312.00 h - 13.45 h
Tuesday online18.04.202316:30 h - 18:15 h
Tuesday online18.04.202319.00 h - 20.45 h
Tuesday online18.04.202316.15 h - 18.00 h
Tuesday18.04.202316.15 h - 18.00 h
Friday online21.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday21.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday21.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday online28.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday28.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Friday28.04.202317.15 h - 19.15 h
Saturday online06.05.202311.00 h - 13.00 h
Saturday06.05.202311.00 h - 13.00 h
Monday online08.05.202317:20 h - 19:00 h
Monday08.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Tuesday09.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Wednesday online10.05.202318.00 h - 20.00 h
Wednesday online10.05.202316.00 h - 18.00 h
Wednesday10.05.202316.00 h - 18.00 h
Wednesday online10.05.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday10.05.202314.00 h - 16.00 h
Thursday online11.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Thursday11.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday + Thursday29.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Monday + Thursday29.05.202317.30 h - 19.30 h
Summner vacation intensive course17.07.202317.30 h - 19.15 h
(2 weeks)
Summer vacation course17.07.202317.30 h - 19.15 h

 *Turbo course and last minute course 2 course days per week

Course content Pop-up window

Quarterly courses: 10 course days,   3 lessons of 45 min each.

Course location

German texts

Keyboarding today

Office dress code

Winter vacations in the mountains

Homemade Christmas gifts 

Visiting the grandparents 

Everything can be bought...

Babylonian professional worlds

Why good manners are important

Cosmetic surgery today 

English texts

Different Types of Office Dress Codes

Does Money make vou happy?

Holidays are never what we expect

French texts

How to dress in the office 

How to get to know you

Vovages form the spirit?

Or is it necessary...?