French Learning Forum

French course at Lern-Forum Zurich for more success at high school

In addition to repetition and trial courses for the subject's mathematics, German and English, we also organize courses for the subject French at the Lern-Forum Zurich. French at high school causes difficulties for many Swiss students, as the language has many grammar rules and peculiarities. There are also special challenges here and there when speaking, which can negatively influence the French grade. Therefore, our French course at Lern-Forum in Zurich offers targeted help and support. By enrolling in the French course at Lern-Forum Zurich, you ensure your child's success in school, no matter what grade level they are in!


How important is French at the high school & in general at school for your child?

French accompanies your child through all grades of school education. Therefore, it is especially important to lay the foundations for a solid understanding of the language at an early age and to consolidate this understanding on an ongoing basis. Our French course is the perfect way to do this.


Even if your child has been taking French classes for many years and is not coping well with the increasing demands and new challenges of high school, our French course is the ideal solution. Therefore, be sure to take a closer look at our French course and support your child not only in his school career but also in his later professional career.

Because of the foreign language, French will also play a role in training, studies, and later professional life. Since French is spoken as a mother tongue by almost a quarter of the population in Switzerland and many Swiss companies also have French customers or partners, a knowledge of French is a basic requirement for many training companies and employers. So by enrolling your child in our French course at Lern-Forum, you are keeping all options open for their future!

Maximum learning success with our French course for almost all grades

At Lern-Forum Zürich, we have been offering a wide variety of courses for Swiss students for many years. As with all our courses, your child will benefit from experienced teachers, proven learning methods and constantly updated practice materials in our French course. In this way, we ensure that your child learns French effectively and masters it with confidence - whether for high school or other grade levels.

Our French-Envol courses, which have been successful for years, work according to the simple principle that success can be learned. Therefore, we do not look back, but always forward and pick up all participants where they are. We practice grammar, vocabulary and oral and written comprehension ((Oral and written comprehension)) to best prepare your child for the upcoming school years - for best French grades and maximum school success!

Our French courses take place regularly in the form of vacation courses, for which you can register your child easily and quickly. We offer our French courses during the summer vacations as well as during the autumn vacations, the sports vacations and the spring vacations. The offer does not only refer to French at the high school, but also to various other grade levels. Find out more about our French courses today and support your child in the long term!

Available spots and registration
Free spots

  • French courses dates
  • Competence level

French Intensive Course Dates

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Competency level

Our courses teach at the following levels according to the Common European Framework for Languages:

Envol 5 + 6A 1
Envol 7 A 1+
Envol 7 + 8A 2
Envol 9B 1
MaturvorbereitungB 2

Available spots and registration
Free spots

Teaching aid, "Tell me about it"

French courses are our strength. We now also offer courses that are exactly adapted to the new teaching material, "Tell me about it".

Learning Objectives:

  • Grammar
  • Written comprehension
  • Oral comprehension
  • Correct reading
  • Writing /Text production

Vocabulary Say 5 + 6

Holiday and quarterly courses

Consolidate the material

During the holidays, we run group courses in

French (formal grammar, text comprehension, text production)

Mathematics (grade separated sec./ Gymn.)

German (grade-separated 5th/6th primary/secondary)

Latin (beginners) (long-term gymnasium)

English (grammar, conversation, sec. A)

Spelling / Essay (Primary school students)

All subjects are bookable individually, duration 2 hours per subject daily