Matura preparation

Effective Matura preparation – at the Lern-Forum Zurich

At the Lern-Forum in Zurich, we offer comprehensive Matura preparation to your child. The Matura is the school leaving examination in Switzerland. It's a particularly important step in the school career of your child, which we want to support with perfectly planned preparation courses. Because with good grades in the Matura certificate, your child will have an easier time during the rest of its live.

Not only in finding a suitable study place, but also in the job search, a good Matura helps enormously. Your child will show its comprehension, logical thinking, and commitment, which is highly appreciated by employers. In addition, certain grades are essential in and outside of Switzerland in order to be able to attend the desired course of study at all.

A good Matura is not everything in life, however, children with a good degree have many more opportunities. If you want to help your child prepare for the Matura, then the best way to do so is with one of our effective preparation courses at Lern-Forum in Zurich.

For more than 20 years, we have been successfully preparing Swiss students for the Matura with our popular learning courses. Experience has shown that the participants' chances of achieving better grades and a good Matura certificate increase greatly. Our Matura preparation is geared precisely to the required content, but also to the different strengths and weaknesses of the students.

Reserve a place for your child in our Matura preparation course now.

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Why is Matura preparation important?

At school, there are always children who find everything very easy. But these children are in the minority. Therefore, our Matura preparation is the ideal solution for your child to prepare specifically for the exam.

With our proven courses, we prepare the participants optimally by effectively repealing the individual topics and closing individual gaps. To do this, we always focus on the currently required content and use appropriate tasks. In addition, only experienced and competent teachers work at the Lern-Forum in Zurich, who support all participants individually.

We offer our Matura preparation for both Mathematics and French.

Matura preparation Mathematics

Achieving a good Mathematics grade in the Matura is not exactly easy for many Swiss students. After all, over the years a lot of formulas have accumulated that your children not only have to know, but also have to apply correctly. On the day of the exam, students have to have all their knowledge at the ready. You can probably guess that not everyone always succeeds in this.

That's why we go through all the important topics one by one in our Matura preparation in the Learning Forum. In addition to functions and graphs as well as analysis and vectors, we also look at combinatorics, stochastic as well as series and sequences. In addition, participants receive a clear course folder with all the important content for the Matura in Mathematics.

Preparation for the Final Exam Passarelle

Today, the vocational baccalaureate is a popular alternative to classic gymnasium education. Have you successfully completed the BMS? Congratulations! If you would like to study at a college or university in Switzerland, you now have to take the supplementary examination Passarelle file.

Our courses are also suitable for preparing for the final exam of the Passarelle. They are aimed at vocational baccalaureate students who would like to optimally round off and supplement their preparatory work before the exam in order to be able to face this challenge confidently and calmly. In our preparatory class, you can consolidate and deepen your knowledge and skills in the subjects of Mathematics and French. We work in small groups, so you will always have the opportunity to ask questions and gain a solid understanding of the subject at hand. 

Available spots and registration
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Available spots and registration
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Higher Education

Are you in the final spurt of your gymnasium career? Put the pedal to the metal now and secure good grades on your Matura certificate. With our courses, you will perfect your skills and have everything you need to achieve top performance - an important investment in the future!

Get Information about the Courses:
Tel.  044 262 01 75

French Matura Preparation

A good French grade in the Matura also presents many Swiss students with a major challenge. The students are tested in several sections and have to perform well in all of them, if possible. At the Lern-Forum we prepare your children optimally for the Matura in French.

In our Matura preparation courses, we review the basic morphological and syntactic structures, which include verbs, tense, and modes, as well as sentence structure and parts of speech. We also focus on vocabulary, word families, and basic vocabulary related to topics and texts. Reading comprehension, including reading strategies for understanding original literary texts, is also an important topic. Finally, Writing is on the agenda, where we go through longer texts on general and literary topics as well as the different types of texts such as commentaries, interviews, and dialogues.

  • Course dates
  • Mathematics Matura
  • French Matura

Registration - Repetition courses for Matura holders

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Mathematics Matura Certificate

Even today, a good mathematics grade guarantees quick comprehension and high intelligence. A good report card is still proof of above-average performance. It opens doors and facilitates the next step towards success.

In addition, it is important for many companies to have an employee who can solve a problem independently and document this in a comprehensible manner. To this end, they pay particular attention to the math grade, which usually reflects the qualities they are looking for: perseverance, accuracy, independence. 

French Matura Preparation

French still plays an important role in Switzerland and has not been displaced by English. Good knowledge of French is essential for a career.

In our preparation course for the Matura we review all grammar topics with theory and exercises, rédaction (text writing) and skillful preparation for the oral Matura.

This course can also be taken one year before the Matura.