Start of the preparation courses

Last Saturday, it was that time again: The starting signal for this year's school accompanying preparation courses of the Lern-forum was given. 
As always, our courses are very popular, and so on the morning of August 24, 2019, many students met at the various Lern-forum locations in Zurich and Winterthur. The experienced teachers were already waiting for the students and made sure that everyone landed at the right place and that the lessons could start on time. 
As always, the first thing each participant received was a course folder. The materials for the preparation course have been revised and updated again this year, so that all topics relevant for the exam are shown in the folder. As is often the case, the students were a little surprised at first by many practice sheets - but after three hours of diligent work in the course, the participants quickly realized that good preparation for the gymnasium examination is a double goal with diligent work and support from the teachers.
At the beginning of the course, most of the students were still rather reserved, as usual. Some already knew each other from school, but many were strangers to each other and did not have much to say to each other at the beginning. Of course, the teachers also had to be eyed critically at first. As usual, the students got to know each other better in the course of the first day of the course - a common goal simply unites! So the course participants were soon solving difficult tasks together and animatedly discussing possible solutions. The reticence towards the teachers was also quickly overcome, and the students dared to ask for help without hesitation when they were confronted with particularly tricky questions.
This is how it can continue!


Gymiprüfung 2025

Ob Anmeldefristen, Prüfungstermine oder Prüfungsinhalte: Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die Gymiprüfung 2025. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel oder springen Sie direkt zum gewünschten Thema.


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