Simulation exam IMS

Procedure and Advantages of the Simulation Test

With the simulation exam, students can optimally prepare for the computer science middle school exam because they get to know the exam situation in advance.

The test runs in the same way as the real test. The students will spend half a day working on tasks in German (language test, essay) and mathematics. In the process, they learn how to deal with stress and time pressure, and they develop a sense of how to manage their time.

The exams are then carefully corrected. The essay is marked with a detailed opinion assessed so that students understand exactly what is required of them. The mathematics exam is also corrected in depth, which means that not only is correct and incorrect marked, but the correct solution path is shown.

Since the simulation exam takes place approximately one month before the exam date, there is still enough time afterwards to close knowledge gaps and to repeat individual topics. French as an examination subject will be omitted as of this year 2022.

Correction & Evaluation

Students' simulation exams are carefully and thoroughly corrected and graded.

Preparation course IMS

Available spots and registration
Free spots

Registration for Simulation Examination

Prüfungssimulation IMS
Mathematik | Deutsch | Aufsatz
externe Schüler  
Starting date So 29.09.24
Time 07:45 - 12:45
Location Zürich Stadelhoferplatz
more info
Level 3. Sek.
Cost CHF 295.00 CHF
Seats available 20
Lessons 5
Event 1

Prüfungssimulation Informatikmittelschule IMS
externe Schüler anderer Schulen

Sonntag 29.09.24 / 07:45 - 12:45 h

Classroom Mühlebachstr. 2 - Zimmer 1
Teacher --
Information of the Student

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Review process

8.00 to 9.30 Hrs Mathematics
10.00 to 10.45 Hrs German: Language basics and comprehension
11.15 to 12.45 HrsGerman: Composition (Essay)